RTC Cabinetmaking

RTC Cabinetmaking
3737 Beabien est. Montréal Que.

Cabinetmaking 5530 Module Code 273024

Cabinetmaking 5530 Module Code 273024

Wood and Related Materials
Understanding the structure as well as the classification of trees, students are introduced to wood and other materials used in cabinetmaking. Students learn the importance of water moisture content as well as the identification of coniferous and deciduous woods.

Course Objective

By the end of module 2 you will be able to apply knowledge of solid wood, sheet materials and related materials by following instructions and using samples accumulated over the 60 hours we are together.

Materials Cabinetmakers use can be categorized in three.

Raw Lumber: Hardwood and Softwood

Before learning how to choose the wood species commonly used in furniture making and woodworking you must:

A. Understand how a tree grows

B. Recognize trees (Wood) according to their external characteristics.

C. Associate different parts of a tree with their uses.

D. Recognize the importance of distinguishing clearly between wood species.

Manufactured Panels: Sheet stock and other lumber products.

Related Materials:All materials not produced from Lumber like Glass, Polymers and Metals

During the 60 hours we are together I will give lectures and provide samples for critique and discussion. Samples are to be touched, smelt, tasted (why not?), observed and most importantly worked!

In this Module, a data base will be made by you and your classmates. In teams of two, I will assign a wood or material in which to research and enter into the class database. The Database will be the property of your class for future use. It will accompany the samples collected and worked by you.

Tree House

Tree House
Jardin Botanique / Montéal

Monday 19 February 2018

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Teacher Evaluation

Your Feedback

I would like your feedback.
Here is an evaluation form for you to fill out about this module.

My comments on the teacher and the Module

Please fill it out
  • Print it
  • Place it in the envelope that will be provided in class
Here are feedback results about what you appreciate

Here are feedback results about what you would like improved

CMN2-J16 Wood Database

Group CMN2-J16

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Helpful  links and Comments about wood and Related materials are welcome here.